Agiated Thin Film Dryer

Agitated thin film evaporators and dryers are used to concentrate, ferine or recover a valuable product through distillation or similar thermal separation process .Due to it is ideal for thermal treatment of solutions and heat sensitive products, where reduced operation temperatures and vacuum operating pressures are desirable.The typical agitated thin film evaporator consists of tubular heat transfer area with an external heating jacket and a fast revolving ,inner rotor with flexible or rigid wiper elements.the driving speed is adapted to the product being handled, its particular Specifications and tasks.

The feed product is distributed by the rotor and its wipers evenly over the heating surface, forming a thin liquid film of uniform thickness.Highly turbulent swirls are produced at the tip of the rotor blades and wipers with intensive mixing and agitation of the product as it comes into contact with intensive mixing and agitation of the product as it comes into contact with the heating surface.These assure excellent heat transfer and combined with constant renewal of the product film and provide an even heating and short residence time of the product through the heated zone.